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Join date: Mar 4, 2023


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I was born and raised in the SSPX, in Saint Mary’s KS, and I attended both their Academy there and their college. When I was 21 I started dating my husband and he helped me to start unraveling some of the lies we were told about the relationship between the church and the SSPX, but we were both very traditionalist, and for the next years during dating, engagement, and first years of marriage we attended the SSPX, the FSSP, and the ICKSP. In 2022 through a series of circumstances we left traditionalism behind and we are currently very happy and fed by God at our diocesan parish. We have moved away from where I was raised which was immensely helpful for me mentally and spiritually. It was hard though leaving my family and friends behind, but I needed a place to heal outside of the environment I was raised in.

I currently reside in upstate New York and am blessed with a wonderful Catholic community and my husbands family close by.

If you are curious to know more, I did an interview with Laura, so you can check that out or DM me, I’m always happy to chat!


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