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~ Articles/Research ~



"Contra SSPX"


"A Canonical History of the Lefebvrite Schism" - ​Peter Vere, JCL/M

"My Journey Out Of The Lefebvre Schism. All Tradition Leads To Rome"​​ - ​Peter Vere, JCL/M


"Schism, Obedience and the Society of St. Pius X"​ - John Beaumont & John Walsh


"Is the SSPX a Cult?" - Site Member


"Breve Refutación del Lefebvrismo - Parte 1" (en Espanol) - ​Ezequiel Beccar Varela

"Breve Refutación del Lefebvrismo - Parte 2" (en Espanol) - â€‹Ezequiel Beccar Varela


"SSPX Teaching VS. Church Teaching"​ - Site Member





"Contra Lefebvrism" Series - Tony Alongi


  1. On Ecumenism

  2. On Religious Liberty

  3. On Collegiality

  4. On the Mass (& the so-called "Ottaviani Intervention")​


The Ottaviani Intervention Refuted - Dom Gerard Lafond; translated by Dom Dalmasso


"On Adhesion to the Second Vatican Council"​ - Msgr. Fernando Ocariz


"Is It Time for the TLM to Go Away?"​ - David Gordon


"Early Christian Communion in the Hand" - ​Elizabeth Klein


"Holy Communion in the Hand (Norm Till 500-900 AD)" - ​Dave Armstrong


"It's Weird to Say it, but Pope Francis has a Point"​ - ​Steve Skojec


Articles by John Cavadini, Mary Healy, and Thomas Weinandy addressing the reformed liturgy and the Traditionalist movement​


Dr. Larry Chapp

"Vatican II Sought True Liturgical Reform"

"60 years after the Opening of the Second Vatican Council, Where do we Stand?"

"Apologetics and Evangelization Part One: Vatican II and Why Radical Traditionalism is a Dead End"​


Eric Hoyle research papers

"Independent Traditional Catholicism is Wrong"

"Sources on Heresy and the Pope Heretic Question"


"Why I love to celebrate the Mass of Vatican II"​ - Fr. James Farfaglia


"Defending Vatican II: The Liturgy"​ - Anonymous


Nelson Sarmento:+ "Refutação às objeções contra o Concílio Vaticano II" (in Portugese)"L’orthodoxie du Novus Ordo: démonstration magistrale" (the same article in French)​


Arriving at the Juridic Status of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (a canonical study from 2018 by Fr. John G. Lessard-Thibodeau, which concludes that "[s]ince the contumacy is unresolved and ongoing, the state of schism endures as does the suspension."

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