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~ Traditionalism ~

The Pope, The Council, and The Mass: Answers to Questions the "Traditionalists" Have Asked
James Likoudis & Kenneth Whitehead
A thorough and scholarly response to the most common traditionalist objections.

Altar Against Altar: An Analysis of Catholic Traditionalism
Andrew Mioni
An examination of the traditionalist movement and its core tenets such as the "state of necessity," supplied jurisdiction, the crisis in the Church, and more.

Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries
Dave Armstrong
Short musings and reflections on various elements of the traditionalist movement and its inconsistencies.

Confessions of a Traditional Catholic
Matthew Arnold
A memoir written by an adult Catholic convert who attended and eventually left an independent traditionalist chapel.
Challenge to the Church: The Case of Archbishop Lefebvre
Fr. Yves Congar, OP
Published in 1976, shortly after the SSPX's suppression, Yves Congar addresses the Lefebvrist position and its root errors.

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy?
Pedro Gabriel

The Council in Question: A Dialogue With Catholic Traditionalism
Fr. Aidan Nichols, OP
A series of letters between an SSPX adherent and a Dominican priest discussing Vatican II and its declarations.

True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors
John Salza & Robert Siscoe
The definitive refutation of sedevacantism, using material from popes, councils, and Doctors of the Church.

Mass Movements: Radical Catholic Reactionaries, The New Mass, and Ecumenism
Dave Armstrong
A series of essays on traditionalism, the reform of the liturgy, and ecumenism, written by a prolific Catholic apologist.

More Catholic Than The Pope: An Inside Look At Extreme Traditionalism
Patrick Madrid & Pete Vere
A refutation of the SSPX, written by a canon lawyer who left the SSPX and a Catholic Answers apologist.

Heresy Disguised as Tradition
Pedro Gabriel

The Catholic Controversy
Francis de Sales
Written as a defense against the Protestants, many defenses herein also apply to traditionalists (the authority and unity of the Church, divine mission, etc.)
~ Vatican II ~

To Sanctify The World: The Vital Legacy of Vatican II
George Weigel
An excellent historical perspective on why Vatican II was called and an analysis of its most important documents.

Conciliar Octet: A Concise Commentary on the Eight Key Texts of the Second Vatican Council
Fr. Aidan Nichols, OP
A commentary on Vatican II's documents and how they must be properly interpreted.

Vatican II: Renewal Within Tradition
Edited by Matthew Lamb and Matthew Levering
A series of essays about Vatican II's documents from an array of scholars.

Reclaiming Vatican II
Fr. Blake Britton
A young diocesan priest explains why Vatican II is often misunderstood, what it actually taught with regard to the laity, and how studying and implementing it made his parish flourish.

Theological Highlights of Vatican II
Joseph Ratzinger
The future Pope Benedict XVI writes about his experience at Vatican II in real time, writing each of this book's 4 parts during the 4 years he participated in the Council.

Morality: The Catholic View
Fr. Servais Pinckaers
Describes the understanding of Catholic morality through the centuries and how Vatican II sought to restore it as the pursuit of happiness and not a legalistic "morality of obligation."
~ Liturgy & The Mass ~

The Mass of the Early Christians
Mike Aquilina
A compilation of texts and traditions from the early Church about liturgy, worship, and the Eucharist.

The Lamb's Supper
Scott Hahn

The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Developments
Fr. Joseph A. Jungmann, SJ

The History and the Future of the Roman Liturgy
Fr. Denis Crouan

The Spirit of the Liturgy
Joseph Ratzinger

The Liturgy Betrayed
Fr. Denis Crouan

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Edward Sri
Examines each part of the Mass in its biblical and theological context.

History of the Liturgy
Fr. Marcel Metzger
A high-level historical overview of the development of the liturgy.
~ The Crisis in the Church ~

Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures
Joseph Ratzinger

The New Pagans and the Church
A 1958 Lecture by Joseph Ratzinger. Translated by Fr. Kenneth Baker, SJ
Joseph Ratzinger issues a warning before Vatican II about how Christianity has become a gloss over interior paganism.

The Crisis of Western Education
Christopher Dawson
While mostly focusing on education, as the title indicates, this book provides an outstanding historical/cultural diagnosis of the current crisis in chapters 12-15.
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